
Sign Up

The first step is to open a free, online account. Fill in some contact info, agree to the basic terms and conditions, and you can start uploading your books. Simple.


Upload Your Files

Log into your account and use our simple interface to manage your books. Start with the 'editable books' tab, add your new book, search for your PDF files (each book will use both a cover file and a body file) and upload these files into the template.


Print a sample

We strongly suggest a publisher print a sample to review. Many times it is easier to see typos and/or design flaws in a physical book. Simply select the book, use the ‘print proof’ button and follow the shopping cart/check out procedures. BookPrintOnDemand is under no obligation to reprint books that were not first proofed by the publisher.



Save your files

Save the files that you want to print for sale. Simply  highlight the proofed book title, and ‘save’ it. This saved book can be found under the 'saved books' tab. This guarantees that every time you print this version, it will print exactly the same way.