- We give you options—upload your book as a plain text, Word, PDF, or InDesign file.
- We have real people doing the work for you—there's no need to pre-format files.
- We format for virtually every e-book reader, including the Kindle, Nook, and iPad.
How are our e-books different?
- Our technology gives you the opportunity to control your content and the layout of your e-book.
- Because we format by hand, your book doesn't get mangled in an automated process, like it would with so many other e-publishers.
- E-book conversion only = $399
Other pricing:
- We include 10 footnotes in the package pricing. We charge $1 for each additional note.
- We include Word documents in the package pricing; if you need to submit a PDF document, we charge $30 for conversion.
- We include 75,000 words in the package pricing. We charge $0.0018 for each additional word above this word count.
- We include 10 images in the package pricing. We charge $3 for each additional image.
- Basic Book Editing includes one round of copy editing @ $0.020/word.
- Comprehensive Editing includes one round of developmental editing, followed by one round of copy editing @ $0.035/word.
E-Book Conversion and Distribution
BookPrintOnDemand brings you the following features: